St. Mary’s Altar Rosary Society Christmas Baby Shower for Life Choices
The ARS will collect new baby and children’s clothing, up to age 3, diapers, wipes, etc. and Shop Rite gift cards. We ask our parishioners to bring unwrapped gifts to church and place them in the designated bins.
Donation dates are the weekends of:
November 16th/17th and 23rd/24th.
Donations may also be delivered at the ARS Christmas Party on Sunday, December 1st.
Cash or check donations will be used to purchase
ShopRite gift cards.
Please enclose your donation in an envelope, marked Altar Rosary Society, and drop in the collection basket or at the Parish Office.
Checks should be made payable to St. Mary’s. Any questions, please contact
Annette at 908-472-6258.