Altar Rosary Society Clothing Drive Tuesday, September 26th - 10am ~ 12Noon; Wednesday, September 27th - 10am - 12Noon & 6pm ~ 8pm; Thursday, September 28th - 10am ~ 12Noon Drop off in the Parish Center St. Mary’s Altar Rosary Society will be collecting: Dry, wearable & usable clothing (men’s; woman’s; children's’), belts, handbags, hats, linens, stuffed animals. Bag shoes separately (not mixed with other items). Please put all items that you are donating into tightly tied plastic bags. The Altar Rosary Society will receive money for every pound we collect. For questions please call: Bernice 732-254-4016 . Thank you! ***Anyone who can help loading the truck on Friday, the morning of the 29th from 9:30AM to 11:00AM please contact Bernice *** Please note: No donations will be accepted on Friday, September 29th, pick-up day!